2022 | 「Homesick Rhapsody」8/CUBE,Shibuya,Tokyo
2022 | 「The Pulsating Islands」Indigenous People Cultural Develoment Center,Pingtung,Taiwan
2021 | 「New Perspectives of Hualien’s Landscape」Stone Sculpture Museum ,Hualien ,Taiwan
2021 | 「Pan-Austro-Nesian Arts Festival」 Kaohsiung museum of fine arts,Kaohsiung , Taiwan
2020 | 「Were there is an island there is me」Gallery de sol ,Taipei ,Taiwan
2020 | 「Islands Colors Humanity / Weaving the Blossom of Life – Solo Exhibition」Taipei ,Taiwan
2019 | 「Island Hopping. Fantasy and Milky Way- Solo Exhibition」Taipei ,Taiwan
2018 | 「Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 」Brisbane, Australia
2018 | 「A beast, a god, and a line」Dhaka Art Summit ,Hong Kong, TS1 Yang ,Warsaw Poland
2012 | First Prize of “The First Pulima Art Award”
Name of Artworks : 〈Poton〉 〈Si Jiazigat〉 〈Puhungan〉 〈Si Jinoboya〉
Media : Oil on canvas
Year : 2023
With my return to Taiwan three years ago after years of my Island Hopping Project (which began in 2013 and brought me to places around the Pacific), I noticed the abundance and diversity of culture in Taiwan, the historical site of origin of the world’s Austronesian peoples. At this year’s Austronesian Art Triennial, I’m showing four images of people, entitled Tribute to Gauguin?, for which I imitated Gauguin’s style of thick strokes while purposely almost filling the canvas with the human subject and leaving only a little room for just a bit of tropical vegetation to make the setting known. My subjects are Tao, Paiwan, and Amis men, young and stout, wearing flowers and other accessories. Their sun-darkened skin and nude, untamed bodies are depicted amid the natural environment. This choice of subject matter is a response to that of Gauguin, who mainly chose women. His subjects were also dark-skinned, their long-haired, beautiful figures frequently depicted with fruit and against a natural backdrop. The nudity was quite intriguing to Westerners of his time, who came from relatively cold regions, but for people born and raised on the southern islands, it was just part of daily life. Through these pieces, we see that Gauguin’s view of us through Western eyes was worlds apart from how we view ourselves.