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Chang, En-Man(Rawus Tjuljaviya)


2022 | The Oceans and the Interpreters, Hong-gah Museum, Taipei
2022 | Documenta Fifteen: lumbung, Kassel, Germany
2022 | Kathmandu Triennale, Taragaon Museum, Kathmandu
2021 | Distances between Us and the Future: An Exhibition of Taiwanese Indigenous Contemporary Art, Taiwan Indigenous
Peoples Cultural Park, Pingtung
2021 | Pan-Austro-Nesian Arts Festival, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
2020| The Secret South: From Cold War Perspective to Global South in Museum Collection, Taipei Fine Arts Museum
2019 | Singapore Biennale – Every Step in the Right Direction, Gillman Barracks, Singapore
2018 | Taiwan Biennial – Wild Rhizome, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2018 | XXOO, FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio, Minnesota
2017 | Landscape of Crisis: Indigenous Cultures and Dispositif of Modern Space, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,


Artistic Concept

Name of Artworks : Snail Paradise Trilogy: Setting Sail or Final Chapter

Media :Single-channel video, embroidery on canvas , paint on Perspex

Year : 2022  

Taiwan’s indigenous people have no written language, only oral history. The same is true in Africa, though there is a kind of bardic historian called a griot, who keeps the oral history. Based on the concept of the griot, this video sings the story of the great voyage of the African snail set to an ancient Paiwan tune used in praying for rain. In looking at the great exchange of species caused by human travel, the artist has explored the spread of the snail and collected plants related to snail cuisine, transforming them into paintings on Perspex, and embroidered documentations of history.
